2018 and the year to come

What is the most wonderful thing that happened in your world last year? Can you think of just one? I don't know if I can—lots of good things happened. Sometimes it feels like a year is so long, or (three weeks into January!) so long ago, that it takes a little effort to remember. But I love sorting through the year and rediscovering all the reasons we have to be grateful.Like this:https://www.instagram.com/p/Beo1e5XnyNh/Or this:https://www.instagram.com/p/BeWM-lBHgsL/Or this!https://www.instagram.com/p/BhesGYqnrnl/Or this:https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgme6LrBJ0J/So many goodnesses occurred this year.Here are a few more:

  • In addition to Andrew's new music, his kids have released new music. Asher and Skye have both successfully Kickstarted albums, and Aedan was a contributor as well.
  • Speaking of Aedan, he finished his freshman year of college and is now halfway through his sophomore year, and just launched a brand-new website for his art.
  • That last photo above is only part of the story (literally): Andrew's second book is also now available in Swedish, and the translator is working on book three!
  • Here in the Great Library, we hosted another year-long readthrough of the Saga. I don't know how many of you were reading along, but a whole bunch of new faces (well, usernames) showed up in the forum this year, and it's been so fun getting to know you all. :-)
  • Some of you recently took up a huge project to help our producer, Chris, as he's compiling lore for the animated series. You put in a ton of hours digging up dates and connections and implications, and cross-referenced everything, and have been an enormous help. We're grateful.
  • Andrew's been on several tours this year: Resurrection Letters, with a full band; the Bible Tour; Behold the Lamb of God.
  • There were speaking opportunities as well: Andrew and his brother Pete (our bookbindery guildmaster) keynoted a writers' conference together, and they both got to participate in the Great Homeschool Convention as well. (That's exciting, by the way, and if you're a homeschooler you may want to keep an eye on the GHC website—there will be Rabbit Room authors and sessions at every single location this year!)
  • Andrew finished writing the Florid Sword and Shadowblade comic, and it's in the ink-stained hands of our artist, Mr. Jay Myers.
  • Our producer Chris has been working hard all year, too—pitching the animated series to studios (as above!), having great conversations with executives and potential partners, keeping the animation team going. (Chris Wall is a superhero. I am not kidding.)

That brings us to this year, in fact. What's happening in 2019?Lots.There've been big developments happening behind the scenes over the last several months, in fact. Andrew and Chris revealed this secretly to backers, and at a small session at Hutchmoot, and Chris tells me it's now time to start letting you all in on it! And what better way to do that than just share that whole Hutchmoot session with you? Here's part one. We'll be rolling out the whole session (nearly an hour and a half long, all told) over the next few weeks. The first few segments will be Chris, Andrew, Nicholas, and Joël talking about the making of the film, and the last one will give you an idea of where we're headed next.We're grateful for you, Featherheads! Your faithful enthusiasm keeps us going. Onward to 2019. :-)https://youtu.be/cuSNCmS0LvU