A lament for burnt cookies

Andrew's readalong has been so fun these last couple weeks, and one of the fun results of reading a certain footnote in chapter 10 is this lament, written by a mother and son. They even created this handy, shareable meme! Read on for the full text.

Says, Luke, age 10, "We wrote this for you in our THAGS today. And for the poor, burnt cookies. Thanks for reading!" Thank YOU, Luke and Heather! Readers, note the dedication and footnote. ;-)

Holoré: A Lament

By Heather & Luke

O Sugar! O Flour! O Butter!
On whose first stirring I grin,
Trembling at that oven where I stood before
When will return the scent of delicious bakery?
No more — Oh, never mind!

Out of the scorching inferno
A joy has taken flight:
Fresh tea, and scones, and cream
Await with guests ready to eat not with grief, but with delight
No more — Oh man, now I'm hungry again!

Walking on Water: Join us in the forum for chapter 11! Just one more chapter!

Live Readalong update: Andrew just finished reading the first book (the videos are still up on Facebook and YouTube!) and is taking Holy Week off, but he'll be starting North! Or be Eaten on Easter Monday, April 13. This Friday, join him for a livestreamed Tenebrae service, here.