The All About Wingfeather review

All About Learning Press, a spelling and reading curriculum company, created a library checklist and review for the Wingfeather Saga this spring. Here's what they've got to say about North! Or Be Eaten, which we just started reading in the book club. :-)

North! Or Be Eaten, the second book in the series, finds the Igiby family on the run from the Fangs. To evade their hungry pursuers, they set out for the Ice Prairies in the North. But along the way, the family encounters deadly hunters, a seemingly endless series of scary situations, and even more Fangs. When they reach the Ice Prairies, a battle breaks out and the family is forced to set sail for the safety of Green Hollows. But will they really be safe?

To read the rest of the spoiler-free review and download the checklist, visit All About Learning Press here. Thanks to Marie for highlighting the series!

This week, Madame Sidler will be reading chapters 8-14 of North! Or Be Eaten. Check back on Friday for an excerpt and discussion! And while you're here... who do you think would win in a fight? Can you guess the quote? These are two games currently being played in our forum. :-)