Bellowed defiance

Thousands and thousands of Fangs. A little army equipped with forks and farming tools. One leader, bellowing ferocity into the hearts of his followers. Read this section aloud—and bellow.Bonus: Check out this video of Andrew reading a different section of this chapter.

Then the wind carried a sound out of the darkness, from the direction of Torrboro. It was the sound of oars splashing, of boats thumping against one another, of trolls grunting and growl-moaning, of Fangs hissing and snarling. Above it all they heard the sound of crows squawking overhead, messengers of the coming doom.Maraly stood and drew her knives as the orphans around her drew their forks and held them out in trembling hands. Armulyn the Bard stepped over Artham and moved forward with his whistleharp in one hand.“AWAKE BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF SKREE!” Gammon screamed from the end of the dock. He stood with his sword in the air. He turned his back to the river so all could see his black hat and mask. The F and S glowed blood red on his chest. “NOW IS THE TIME FOR COURAGE. WE MEET THE ENEMY WITH STEADY HEARTS, FOR DAWN HAS CONQUERED DARK SINCE THE MAKER SPOKE THE WORLD. THE NIGHT IS DEEP, BUT LIGHT RUNS DEEPER. LET OUR BLADES AND BLOOD PROCLAIM IT!”Every man, every woman, every child in the market that night raised their weapons and bellowed their defiance of the Fang army and Gnag the Nameless and every wicked thing that ever soured the sweet world. Their shouts tore across the River Blapp and echoed off the walls of the Castle Torr, returning to them like a gust of wind and doubling the din.—From chapter 41, "Storytime with Artham."
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