The Books Are In.


IMG_3316Earlier this week a bunch of guys from my kids' school came by the Rabbit Room office and helped us load about twelve pallets of boxes into the adjacent warehouse. Those boxes contained beautiful, fat, hardback first-editions of The Warden and the Wolf King. It's a scary feeling, tearing open that first box to see if the artwork, the dust jacket, the illustrations, the paper quality, the embossing, the endpapers, etc., are right. Thanks to Pete the Intrepid Rabbit Room Press Manager and Editor, everything was perfect. The books look beautiful.It took sixteen of the manliest high schoolers in Nashville about an hour and a half to get all those books stacked up, and by the time we were finished, there were books in the hallway, books in the kitchen, and books in the main room, not to mention all the books in the warehouse.IMG_3317 (Yes, I fed them pizza.) If one of you guys or your parents happens to read this, THANK YOU. We'd still be hauling boxes if you hadn't come to help.Two days later, Pembrick's Creaturepedia came in, and once again, it turned out great. The cover is green, embossed with gold, and features a delightfully creepy reptilian eye right in the middle. My hope is that this book will save many a child from unnecessary attack from creatures that creep the woods. The book, of course, is small enough to fit in a backpack, knapsack, rucksack, purse, satchel, marsupial pouch, or (large) pocket, which gives the adventurous traveler no reason to leave it at home. IMG_3337Now that we have the maps, the Creaturepedia, the final book, and the hardback of The Monster in the Hollows in stock, we're ready to start packing and signing and packing and signing and shipping and signing the books. In case you're not one of the lucky Kickstarters, the book's official release is July 22. There will be festivities which I can't divulge much information about just yet, so mark your calendars.I can't wait for you to read this book.