BRBC week 16: A daggerfish!

Sometimes I have a hard time deciding which passage to post each week. Tonight was one of those nights. I asked Professor Sidler, "Should I post the part where Janner's in the box? or the part where he's getting water and sees a daggerfish?" Professor Sidler said, "I'd post the daggerfish. It's hard to beat a daggerfish." So here's a daggerfish. :-)

When he emerged from the house, Janner found dawn fast approaching. No Fangs marched past, and no old man snored on the stoop.In the rosy gold light of the sky just before the sunrise, Janner searched the debris around the house until he found a large clay pot. There was no sign of Fangs, so he sprinted across the road and skidded down the bank to the water’s edge. The surface was glassy, undisturbed except by occasional rings where water bugs alighted. Suddenly a fish broke the surface with a great splash and hung in the air for a moment before pointing its needle-sharp snout back into the water and sinking away.“A daggerfish!” Janner said with wonder. Then, more seriously, “A daggerfish.” He filled the pot and scrambled away from the water line.
Activity: What do you think the Fork! Factory! sign looks like? Design a logo.Discussion: What was your favorite passage this week?What Skreean animal would you love to see in the wild?Want a deeper discussion on what Janner's thinking about in the box, or about his hard decision at the end of this week's reading, or about the choice that Tink made? Visit our forum and start up a conversation.