BRBC week 19: Becoming a Throne Warden

For the second week in a row I wept through our book club chapters. There were so many passages I wanted to share with you—Hulwen. Leeli. Podo. Artham. Janner and Tink.Janner and Tink.I'm grateful to be reading these stories with you, friends.

“Put down your weapons!” Artham commanded. “He’s no Fang!” He flew across the deck and at the last moment knocked one of the bows upward so that the arrow whizzed harmlessly into the air.But as soon as Artham turned his back, Tink leapt overboard into the icy sea.That was the moment Janner truly became a Throne Warden.Without a thought, Janner tore off his coat and ran. His heart’s deepest instinct drove him forward and over the ship’s rail to save his brother.As soon as he hit the water, the world became a frigid, airless black. Too cold to think, he grabbed a handful of fur and pulled it near. Claws raked his skin. He felt Tink’s teeth again and again, but he held his brother close. When every desperate gasp filled his lungs with water, he hugged the Fang to himself with all his strength. The sea turned red with Janner’s blood.The last thing he knew was Artham’s strong taloned hands. He felt himself lifted on mighty wings from blackness to light, from silence to sound. And though his wounds were deep and bled freely, though Tink still fought to escape his embrace, in Janner’s heart burned great joy.
Discussion: What was your favorite passage this week? Which parts thrilled your heart, made you think, made you cry?What's the difference between justice and revenge?How do the names we believe about ourselves affect our ability to give and receive love? How can we help each other?Andrew's birthday! Our beloved author's birthday is on MONDAY! Each year we throw a little party for him in the forum (a surprise party, although I think he's catching on). You're invited. Come celebrate with us! :-)