BRBC week 29: Goodness in the dark

This week we read chapters 47-53 of The Monster in the Hollows, and so many good things happened—and other things that weren't quite good, but good to read. There are some passages that make me cry every time. Here is one of them, from the last time we convened the BRBC. Here is another one. (And I bet you can all guess the one too spoilery to post here.)

Into the silence of the great hall, Leeli played. Her eyes were closed and she stood beside her mother, swaying with the melody. Janner knew the moment she spoke that if she played, the strange magic would awaken. And he was glad, though he couldn’t imagine what good it would do them, with Bunge’s hand on the lever that would send Nia and Kal plunging to their deaths. Except for the time it had assuaged the sea dragon’s anger, the magic had never really done them any good; the words and visions that filled Janner’s mind mainly left him confused.Still, he welcomed it. His heart was black with despair, so the Maker’s magic was most welcome. It helped him believe there was power pulsing behind the veil of the visible world, pulsing like blood through the world’s veins, sending life and light coursing through everything, surprising and confounding at every turn. When he remembered this, the darkness glimmered with goodness.
Discussion: What helps you when you feel beset by darkness?What would you hope for after the Fork Factory? (discuss in the forum)What passage stood out to you most this week—from these chapters, or wherever you are?Bonus: There are a lot of recordings of "My Love Has Gone Across the Sea"—live, studio, theatrical, covers—but here is its very first performance, including some commentary from Andrew on writing that scene.