BRBC week 31: Carnack and the Jewels

Happy Friday, Featherheads! Here is our first excerpt from The Warden and the Wolf King. What would you do if you were in this situation?

“Come, Carnack.” Rudric held out a hand. “For the sake of our strength.”“No.” Carnack folded his arms and looked away. “I pledge nothing to no Fang.”Leeli put her whistleharp away and leaned over to the boys. “Kal, this would be a good time to do something.”“But what?”“You could fight him,” Janner suggested. “That seems to be how Hollowsfolk work stuff out. See?” He pointed at Rudric, who was barely restraining Horgan Flannery from leaping off the stage and pummeling Carnack.“Look at that guy!” Kalmar whispered. “He’d destroy me.”“No he wouldn’t,” Leeli said. “You’re stronger and faster than any of these people.”Kalmar sighed and shook his head. “I hate this stuff.”In one swift motion he leapt from the platform and landed just a few feet in front of Carnack. There was a gasp from Rudric, Horgan, and the rest of the chieftains. Carnack sprang into a fighting stance and backed away, sword in hand. For the first time that day, the perfect snow of the Field of Finley was marked with footprints.But Kalmar drew no sword, for he had none to draw. Nor did he circle the warrior as if he wanted to attack. He merely stood before him in the snow, his black cloak hanging about him like a shadow.“What’s your game, wolf?” Carnack spat.“I don’t have a game.” Kalmar spread his hands to show that he held no weapon. “I just want Gnag the Nameless to lose. Don’t you?”“I do,” said Carnack after a pause. His sword dropped a few inches.“Janner, the flag,” Leeli whispered, pointing at the Annieran flag behind them.He understood in an instant what she meant. Janner removed the Annieran flag, then helped Leeli to her feet. The Throne Warden and the Song Maiden stepped down from the platform and joined Kalmar on the snow. Carnack looked at the three children uncertainly. Conscious of the eyes of every warrior present, Janner planted the Annieran flag in the snow and knelt, pulling Kalmar down with him.“If you won’t fight for the Shining Isle,” Janner called out so all could hear, “then let it be known that the Shining Isle fights for you.” He stared at the snow and waited for some response. All he heard was the flutter of the flag in the cold wind.“What say you, Carnack?” asked Horgan finally.
Discussion: How would you feel if you were Carnack? If you were in Kal's place, what would you do?How would you like to be blindplopped? Tell us in the forum what you'd bring and how you'd find your way home.What was your favorite passage this week?