BRBC week 35: The rooftops of Dugtown

This passage woke up my yearning to see Dugtown from above. I've never seen it from below, either—I think I might like that less, in fact—but the idea of the city spread out below me, sunset glinting off the river, spires and roofs radiating outward from the crossway below my feet—well. I need a cape. I can't wait for the comic that's coming.

He tried to ignore the Fangs clambering through the window and into the little back garden as he scanned the rooftops to get his bearings. He knew Dugtown well, and thanks to his night prowling as the Florid Sword, he knew the rooftops of Dugtown better than anyone.He saw the spires of Castle Torr in the distance, the kitten’s tail and ears lifting over the misty river in the south. He spotted several torch towers, the hulk of the Fork Factory to the west, and knew that they had emerged on the eastern end of the city.
Discussion: Would you rather explore Dugtown from above—via roofs—or from below—exploring the Strander tunnels?Are you more like Maraly or Sara?What was your favorite passage this week?Activity: What do you think eggypigheamers and stog is like—or hogpig steamers, for that matter? Try your hand at recreating breakfast at The Flabbit's Paw. Let us know how your experiment worked!