BRBC week 8: A protector

We're used to Peet being jittery, jumpy, jumbled in thought and in speech. Look at him now.

Anklejelly Manor had been frightening enough during the day. Now it was deep night, with a horde of Fangs fast approaching. The forest wall loomed an arrowshot away, teeming with unseen creatures that would put fear even into a Fang.It seemed to Janner that there was nowhere left to run— none of the options seemed safe, not running into the forest, into the Fangs, or into Anklejelly Manor. ...Suddenly Peet materialized out of the darkness. His breathing was ragged and he staggered wearily.“I wanted to say good-bye, young Iggyfings. I’ll fight for you as long as I can.” Peet looked at Podo with a new boldness. “I’ll fight for them.”But without a word of thanks or even a glance, Podo stepped up the stone stairs and into the black mouth of the manor.“I won’t follow,” Peet called after the old man. “I’ll stay away from you all, like you said. But I will fight for them.” Peet turned to the children and bowed low. “Good-bye, Iggyfings,” he said, then he turned and strode through the gate and toward the ocean of Fangs, his arms spread wide and his talons bared.
Discussion: Why do you think Peet is braver now, with an entire Fang horde coming for them, than he is at other points in the story—when Podo challenges him or when, in the forest, Leeli moves too quickly or reaches toward him or pulls away?
“Maybe Podo didn’t have a plan, but knowing that his grandfather was with him, even in the face of the Fangs of Dang, made Janner feel like he could be more than he was.” Is there anyone who gives you strength when you’re afraid? Who makes you feel like you can be more than you are? Tink was a good model to Janner in this scene, too. Do you think you have ever been an example like this? What does bravery look like in your regular life, without swords and Fangs?What was your favorite part of this week's reading? Post it below. :-)See you in the forum!