Clive Staples Award semifinalist!

Clive Staples 2015 sealAnnouncement—The Warden and the Wolf King has been nominated for this year's Clive Staples Award for Christian Speculative Fiction!For this award, readers nominate their favorite books and then vote them on to the final round, where a panel of judges selects a winner. The Warden and the Wolf King is one of twelve semifinalists, and voting is open until TONIGHT (Monday) at 11:45 Eastern time. If you've read at least two of the titles in the running, you're eligible to vote.Being nominated is an honor—it means that some of you wonderful readers were kind enough to let the good folks over at CSA and SpecFaith know that you loved the book, and for that we're grateful.If you'd care to vote, the list of titles, complete instructions, and ballot can be found here. We'll keep you updated. And thanks for the nomination!

This week, Madame Sidler will be reading chapters 59 through the end of North! Or Be Eaten! Check back on Friday for an excerpt, and to share one of your own!