Huge congratulations to our writing contest winners!
Thank you all so much for your wonderful engagement with this contest! There were over 500 entries! It was so hard to pick between them all, but Andrew somehow landed on the final winners and sent us a carrier midgeon all the way from the UK early this morning. :-)
Winning stories will be posted at the Rabbit Room blog in the upcoming weeks, and we will link to each one as it is released. For today, here are the names (and titles!) of the winning entries. WONDERFUL job, all of you! Ollister Pembrick would be so proud and pleased to see his work carried forward through your creativity.
Grade 3-5: A letter from Mr. Quiggle to Mr. Pembrick Regarding the Discovery of a Cronker by Annie Butler
Grade 6-8: Notes Regarding my Encounter with the Elusive Snorthog by Calen Lotspeich
Grade 9-12: Out of the Deeps of the Dragon King, by Rose Swillum