Exceptional art by exceptional artists

Today's fan art post is super fun for three reasons: One is that the art was delivered in person (Miss Linda is visiting and she played the part of carrier midgeon). Another is that it was delivered to ME, the shadowy librarian, which makes me feel gloaty. A third reason is that the art itself is awesome, and one of the two pieces is 3D-printed, which is something new for us!Here is the first one, by Hannah (age 12):Is that not cool how she so expertly aged him, just enough? Impressive, Hannah, that you were able to mimic Nicholas Kole's style so perfectly. That is a good method of learning how to improve your art. Besides the aging, I like his determined expression and his brocade vest. He seems like he knows he has a lot of work ahead of him, but he is ready for it.And here is the second, by Aden (14):Isn't this amazing? Anyone else out there play with 3D printing? I took music lessons as a young girl but haven't kept up with it. This makes me want to practice my whistleharp fingerings. Miss Linda tells me Aden strung it with violin strings. It's a prototype—the whistle part isn't bored; that is really fiddly to do. But I could not be happier with it. The wood grain and details are lovely.Hannah, Aden—thanks so much to both of you! This made my day.

Book Club News: The North! Or Be Eaten book club kit is nearly finished and set to release next Monday! I know it's been a long wait, but you are going to love it. :-)