Fan art process video

A few weeks ago one of you Featherheads happened upon a breathtaking video and passed it along to me. An artist named J.N. Garrett was captivated by the three Igiby children and their story and wanted to make some fan art. As she told me when I emailed her, she thought of this piece as "what we might see if Nia commissioned a portrait of her children after the end of the books." The completed image is perfectly beautiful, and here you can watch her create it. still images and more of her thoughts on this piece, visit her Tumblr. (Fun fact: She uses Procreate, which is what Nicholas Kole used for his animated series art.) She also has a portfolio with many originals.Thanks, Jennifer! And thank you, Miss Mary, for finding this video.

This week, Madame Sidler will be reading chapters 12-17 ofย On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness. Come back on Friday for an excerpt and discussion, and meanwhile, see you in the forum!