Find your story

This, dear readers, is what I love about the Great Library—my library. Our library. Everyone can find their own story here. It is a wonderful glowing feeling to see a reader connect with a book that helps them know who they are.Can I help you?

Janner had never seen so many books in one place. He wandered from room to room, perusing books that struck his interest and others that didn’t. He couldn’t resist pulling them from the shelf to smell them, to feel their pages, and to skim their contents no matter what the books were about. He read a few disturbing poems by Adeline the Poetess in a collection called An Anthology of Maniacal Verse; he browsed through pages of illustrations by someone named R. Smackam, mostly of fairies and witches and gnoblins; he found a biography of Connolin Durga which he tucked under his arm for later; and to his delight he found a whole section of Annieran history. ...Janner stood in the aisle, ears ringing and skin tingling, turning pages with trembling fingers. Here, among all these books, was one about his family—and it wasn’t just a list of names hung on a family tree. Each name was listed with the date and place of birth and a short biography, and some included a gallery of portraits. ...He felt as if he were glowing from the inside out.—From chapter 29, "A Lineage of Kings."
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