Friends! Skreeans! Countrymen!

It's been a long time since I've posted here, and my only excuse is a good one: I've been working hard on music for most of the year. Music and bees. And pumpkins and butternut squash. You see, I finished up the actual recording of Light for the Lost Boy sometime in the late spring, eager to get started on the final Wingfeather book. But instead of getting started, I planted seeds and inspected the beehive and spent a lot of great quality time with my family. Don't get me wrong, I wrote quite a bit, and mostly made notes on all the aspects of the saga that I need to address. But for the most part I allowed myself to recuperate from the two Steven Curtis Chapman tours and the writing and recording of a new album; the season wore me out completely, and I missed my family a lot. (They missed me, too.)Then sometime in July, the hard drive on my computer had to die. And I mean dead. It was actually rattling like a maraca. I lost about six months of work, Wingfeather Saga and otherwise. So let this be a lesson to you all: IF YOU'RE EVER WRITING A BOOK, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER EVERY FIFTEEN SECONDS. Here's the weird thing: I didn't mind so much. For some reason I was relieved. It was as if God was saying, "Hey, kid. Take a break. You don't want to write a lousy book, do you? Then rest a while, and write it when you're ready."Now it's September, and I'm happy to tell you that my newest album is officially out in the world. It's been set loose. That means I'll be touring and interviews and doing all I can to tell people about this new batch of songs. Hopefully, once the tour starts and I'm rolling across America in a bus, I'll pop open my computer and rewrite the first several chapters--and hopefully they'll be better than the first attempt. In the meantime, please head to iTunes, Amazon, or (preferably) the Rabbit Room to pick up Light for the Lost Boy. Hopefully it'll tide you over until the spring.As always, thanks for reading! I've gotten a few great drawings from fans lately, and I'll post them as soon as I'm able.