Good news for adventurers!

Creaturepedia eBook coverIf you live overseas, need an adjustable font, or require more books than you can feasibly carry (I understand!), chances are that you want an eBook. And if you're an adventurer, hacking your way through the Jungles of Plonst or sneaking up behind a bomnubble in the Stony Mountains (with the wind whistling through your furs as the snow swirls around you!), you definitely don't want a ton of hand-bound hardbacks weighing you down. Up until now, though, adventurers had no choice but to carry a hardcover Creaturepedia. I am glad to announce that all that has changed.The Skreean edition of Ollister B. Pembrick's Inexhaustive Creaturepedia is now available on Kindle or Nook. May it serve you well, and may you never be gobbled.Explorers of Plonst: Our prayers are with you.

This week, Madame Sidler will be reading chapters 35-39 of The Monster in the Hollows. Check back on Friday for an excerpt, and to share one of your own!This week in the forum we've been movie casting the Wingfeather characters, talking about bullying, and more. Come join us!