Happy 13th Birthday, Leeli!

So today is the first day of autumn, which is also my daughter Skye's birthday, which is why her first name is Autumn, and since Skye's nickname since she was a baby was Leeli, I also named the sweet little Wingfeather girl Leeli, which is why I'm writing this post here. Got it?Skye is one of the most interesting, delightful, beautiful people I know, and she has a lovely singing voice. I thought today would be a good day to give you all a little birthday present in her honor. A free download of "My Love Has Gone Across the Sea," sung by the original Leeli Wingfeather--featuring me on guitar, as well as accordion legend Jeff Taylor, fiddle legend Stuart Duncan, and guitar legend Nate Dugger on lap steel. (You may also recall a dog in Ban Rona named Dugger. That dog, supposedly, could also play a mean lap steel.)If you're new around here, or haven't read the books, this song is from the end of The Monster in the Hollows--Leeli sings it over a certain dying monster during a battle. This recording was a reward for the folks who contributed to the Kickstarter campaign for book four last year, and I think it's time to release it to the world. It's about a wife whose husband has sailed away on some mission, and when he loses his way, she decides to go and find him--even if it kills her.When you listen to it, say a prayer for my girl. I'll be eating mounds of cake.Many thanks to the finest readers in the world,APCLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SONG.