Happy Kickstarterversary!

A year ago today, just before midnight, Andrew posted the first update on the Kickstarter campaign we'd launched that morning. Twenty four hours later, he posted a deliriously happy poem for The End of Day Two. At 8:28 the following morning, the base goal was FUNDED. The rest of that month went by in a blur that made our heads spin and our hearts nearly explode in gratitude and bogglement, and when it was over we (WE, all of us) had raised 241% of our original goal—enough to animate the Igibys, the Fangs, and the Sock Man, plus thwaps and Nugget and the whole town of Glipwood.241 percent fundedDear Featherheads, I'm proud of us.What was your favorite part of the Kickstarter, or of the journey since then? What are you most excited to see once Chris and the team have finished the good work they're doing? Do you know how grateful we are for you???Love,Madame Sidler