Welcome! (And beware.)

Welcome, dear readers.One of the great blessings in my life has been to meet so many of you who have read On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness. It thrills me to see, hugged to the chest of a young reader, a tattered copy of the book with dogeared pages and scuff marks on the cover. I'm so grateful you've allowed my story access to your imagination, and I mean to take that very seriously as this tale unfolds.The site is a work in progress.You'll find maps, illustrations, ridiculous quotes from Oskar N. Reteep, and other "odds and ends and surprising surprises." I wanted to call this website "Books and Crannies", but someone in Virginia (with a really nice looking bookstore) beat me to it. In addition to expanding the encyclopedia (with a pronunciation guide for those of you wondering how to say "the Plains of Palen Jabh-j"), I'm going to post the amazing drawings you've mailed me of the various creatures from Skree. I told the 4th grade class in Omaha that I'd choose a winner for the best illustration of a cave blat, and I plan to announce that soon.If you have suggestions or comments, leave them here on the site, or email me at [email protected] hope you enjoy the site. Beware the toothy cows.AP