Is it worth it?

This week's reading—chapters 15-21—included so much deep emotion. Nugget and the dragons woke up wells of grief and remorse and longing which spilled out all over the pages. It was so hard to pick an excerpt this week—but here's this one. Oh, beautiful ache.

He was only twelve, but he knew enough to realize that the way before him would be hard. Is it worth it? he asked himself. Was it worth losing his old life in order to learn the truth of who he was and who he was becoming?Yes.Like the pluck of a stringed instrument, the first edge of the sun broke loose and poured light over the world.—From chapter 18, "Old Wounds and New Healing"
Was there a passage from this week's reading that spoke to you? Please share it with us! And as always, feel free to post an excerpt from elsewhere if you're reading at a different pace.p.s. Stop by the forum before you go. :-) We'd love to hang out with you awhile.