Janner and The Dark Sea of Darkness

Monster in the HollowsWelcome to the Great Library of Ban Rona! I'm Madame Sidler, the librarian, and I'm so glad to have you join us. We're just starting the third book in The Wingfeather Saga. We read chapters 1-6 this week, and it took me all of four pages to decide on an excerpt. :-)

Janner took his old friend’s arm and eased his way up the steps into the sunlight. When his eyes had adjusted, he saw the open sea for the first time since they’d set sail. He had seen the ocean from the cliffs back home, stretching out forever east, and he had seen it when they escaped the Ice Prairies, with the frozen crags at his back. But now it surrounded him. The effect was dizzying. The Dark Sea of Darkness was vast and terrible to behold; it quickened his pulse and took his breath— and he knew in an instant that he loved it.—From chapter 1, "A Smoldering Silence."
What was the best little bit of your Wingfeather reading this week? Post it in the comments!If you're new to the Ban Rona Book Club, here's an introduction to how this works—and we're happy to meet you! Please join us in the forum for hot tea, biscuits and ermentine jam, and some great discussions.