Kickstarter Update #9: Add-on store (and more)!

Good morning, readers! Today's update is a HUGE one.If you're one of the many, many backers who've been dying for an add-on store, read no further—just head over to the Kickstarter page and start shopping!If you're fresh out of spare copies of the books but really really want all your friends to start reading already, read no further—just head over to the Kickstarter page and send them the link to the first six chapters, FREE!preview chapters imageIf you're watching the clock tick down and feeling worried about how far we'll get, read no further—just head over to the Kickstarter page and see the numbers begin to shoot up again! (Chris and Andrew have written an encouraging explanation about how that works, so check that out, too.)And if you've gotten all the way to the end of this update and are wondering whether I've left anything out, the answer is yes—so read no further; just head over to the Kickstarter page. ;-)Thanks so much for your support and encouragement!