Leeli and the dragon

Oy, readers. We have made it, together, through some very hard experiences, and now we stand, together, at the end of book two. Some of the chapters we've read recently have broken my heart. I know from some forum discussion that it's not been easy on you, either. But we've made it. Next week: The Monster in the Hollows!The excerpt I picked for this week gives me glad shivers. I can see it and feel it all as it happens. Find a quiet spot, read this slowly, and then close your eyes and breathe in.

Stop!” Leeli said, and the dragon did.It froze, so close to Leeli that she could have reached out and touched the tip of its nose.And she did.For the first time in an age, someone touched a living dragon.Seawater washed down the sides of the dragon’s slick face and puddled on the deck. Its mouth, full of teeth longer than Leeli was tall, was stretched open to eat Podo whole. The old pirate knelt with his eyes closed.Janner sensed the dragon in his mind, who was speechless with surprise that this wavy-haired little creature would have such courage. The tips of her delicate fingers rested on the dragon’s nose. She looked calmly into its eyes, though they were as big as wagon wheels and deep as the sea. A little burst of air from its nose blew back her hair.It was your song that fell from the cliffs.—From chapter 63, "Hulwen's Trophy."
Which scene did you love best? Post it below! And join us in the forum for further discussion. :-) This week, we've been talking about Zibzy and other local games, and gloaning together on how to read hard stories. Look for a brand-new B-sides thread, too. (I give up. I must post spoilery excerpts somewhere!)