My Love Has Gone Across the Sea

Here's Andrew and his own Song Maiden, Skye, accompanied by Bethany Bordeaux, singing "My Love Has Gone Across the Sea" from The Monster in the Hollows. This song pictures a woman whose true love has gone on a long voyage. She waits, and waits, and eventually decides to do more than wait. She will search out her love, whatever the cost. Scroll down for the lyrics.My love has gone across the seaTo find a country far and fairHe sailed into the gilded westAnd lo, my heart will never restUntil my love returns to meOr I set out to find him there.Come home, come home! I sing to theeMy love, come home and rest thy headI’ll watch for you the winter longAnd sing for you a summer songAnd if you can’t return to meThen I will sail to you insteadThrough tow’ring wave and shriek of galeI’ll aim my vessel ever westAnd steer it by the cord that boundMy heart to yours, until you’re foundAnd should you find my body paleAnd wrecked upon the loamy shaleRejoice, my love, and call me blessed!In death, my love, I loved you best