Good news, NAMO fans (and soon-to-be fans)! Andrew's middle son Asher Peterson is a rising music producer and engineer, and back in April he spawned a collective EP under the name NAMO. On that EP, "Rain," Asher produced some incredible layered synth melodies and then slipped them into the hands and ears of a few well-chosen friends, who contributed their lyrics and voices. Some of you have already discovered this EP. This morning they launched a Kickstarter to fund a full-length album. The EP is available via iTunesSpotify, and the Rabbit Room, and if you're interested in backing the Kickstarter, here it is. :-)

This week, Madame Sidler will be reading chapters 46-49 (including the preceding interlude) of The Warden and the Wolf King. Come back on Friday for an excerpt and conversation! Meanwhile, we'll see you in the forum. :-)