Newsletter: Wingfeather pilot, stone arch, etc.

Every month Andrew sends out an email newsletter with details and updates about his touring and other adventures. This month's newsletter came out on Saturday, and along with some news about his next album and a Rich Mullins tribute show, it included an update about the pilot! He says:

A lot of you guys have been asking about the premiere of the short film. The animation team has been burning the midnight oil for weeks now, and there are so many cool things I can’t wait to show you. I just got off of a phone call with producer Chris Wall, and we’re zeroing in on a date for the festivities this fall. I’ll keep you posted for sure. In the meantime, be sure and follow the Wingfeather Facebook page, our Instagram account, and our Twitter feed. If you were a Kickstarter backer, be sure and check out the latest update, which features my son Aedan (who’s been interning at the studio all year).

Here's the stone arch and the rest of the newsletter (and a link to sign up).