Readalongs! Prizes!

Gather ‘round, ye children (and parents and dogs and plushes and grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins and whomever’s in yelling distance)! Forsooth, Andrew shall soonly recommence READALONGS!!

At the beginning of quarantine, Andrew read the first two books aloud to us, live, over Facebook and YouTube, and we have all been dying for him to start reading again. Well, I am here to tell you that HE WILL and HE IS STARTING on October 19! Set your clocks for 7:00 Central every night, and be ready to find out what is happening at the end of the Wingfeathers’ long journey across the Dark Sea of Darkness. (I am excited for you to finally arrive in my homeland.) You can find Andrew’s readalongs here and here, and as the time draws nearer you will see actual events posted in both places. You can even sign up for reminder notifications. :-)

Meanwhile, don’t forget to preorder books 3-4 (or the whole 4-volume set)! You can find them in the Store tab above. You can even get maps, either with the books or on their own! You might want a copy of your own to follow along with as Andrew reads book 3 (and then 4).


#WingfeatherFan giveaway: Andrew is giving away two full sets of signed books (one on Facebook and one on Instagram). He’ll award them to winners of his fan art—just post your art, cosplay, fan video, etc. on social media and hashtag your post #WingfeatherFan so he can find it. That giveaway is open until October 5. Click here for more details.

UTR giveaway: Under the Radar is an organization that promotes and encourages musical artists who create with skill and integrity but don’t always get a lot of airtime. Team Wingfeather has a lot of friends among those artists, and UTR loves Andrew, too. They’re also hosting a giveaway, which you can enter at their website. This one is open until November 11! But don’t wait that long to sign up. While you’re there, check out the music.

Until next time—that’s the news!

—Madame Sidler