Slithering, skittering

To think that as recently as a year ago, creatures like this lived only two days' ride from my house! And some may still; who knows? How hideous this mangling. How sad this sadness.

“Look!” Kalmar said, pointing at something large and scaly as it slithered out of sight. Another rustle came from the other side of the path, and Janner spotted a creature skittering up a tree with spidery legs—it was no bigger than a dog, and he thought he saw human hands grabbing twigs as it climbed. As they walked they saw more and more creatures, some so hideous that they defied description. One lumped across the path, legless and gurgling. Another, visible deep in the trees, had limbs as long and thin as poles and strode through the boughs tearing leaves and munching them with long black teeth. In each misshapen face Janner saw the shadow of a deep sadness, as if the eyes were windows into a dungeon where a prisoner wept.—From chapter 49, "Cave Paintings."
What was your favorite snippet from this week, whether from our book club reading or anywhere else in the series? Post it in the comments!We've got berry buns and cider in the forum, and you're invited. :-)