Stone wall at the Warren

For the last few weeks, Andrew has spent all his spare time collecting rocks, obsessing over rocks, stacking rocks. He has endured teasing from his kids and at least one banged finger, but he has persevered. And the result? Amazing. I'm in complete awe. I see this fence I think of Andrew's European wanderings, where he and his family have stood on castle walls and under arches hundreds of years old; and, in my own world, of the stone walls of the Great Library which have stood for generations, old as the trees.There is another stone wall at the Warren, one over 150 years old. This arch, like that wall, is not made with mortar; nothing holds it together but a keystone, and the knowledge of how to do that comes down to us from ages long past. I imagine Andrew joining history in raising this wall, building in a tradition, being built into tradition himself, leaving a marker for generations to come. Some day, perhaps a hundred or two years hence, some other Son of Adam (or Son of Peter) may run their hand across the top of that wall and walk under the arch and be inspired to make something of their own which will also endure, and in doing so, will also join with history.Rest assured that Pete the Bookbindery Guildmaster has safely walked under this arch and, having lived, deemed it sound. He's not a stonemason himself, but he did write one once, and as his pate remains unbonked we'll take his word for it. :-)To watch the wall's progress, click over to Andrew's Instagram, and visit the Rabbit Room to read Andrew's own reflections.

This week, Madame Sidler will be finishing Jennifer Trafton's Wingfeather Tale, "The Wooing of Sophelia Stupe." Start where we left off last week—page 71, or Kindle location 1245, right after the words "Remember that, and beware." Check back on Friday for an excerpt, and to share one of your own!We've got a few fun Sophelia conversation-starters in the forum, and are still discussing Safiki as well. Head over there for some berry bibes and discussion!