T-minus 9 days for the fiction contest!

Writers of Skree! The clock is ticking on submitting your original short stories to our Creaturepedia writing contest, and we are beside ourselves with giddy anticipation to find out what you’ve been writing. :-)

As you work out your plot twists and tidy up your prose, many of you have had Questions for us. So we’ve compiled those Questions, and shall endeavor to provide Answer right here.

Writing Contest FAQs

  1. The contest says it’s for kids, but you have to be 18 or older to enter?

    1. Yes, the legalities around contests and giveaways require that an adult enter the contest, but we want stories from kids. So parents, you get to be your kids’ writing agents. ;-) Kids, ask a parent or guardian to help submit your story for you.

  2. What if I’m over 18?

    1. No problems! But the contest is for grades 3-12 only, so in order to win, you’ll need to be in grade 12 or lower.

  3. I’m not sure what contest division to enter.

    1. The divisions are grades 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, and 9th-12th. If you’re between categories, pick the one you’re entering this fall. (So, if you just finished 5th grade and are starting 6th, enter the 6th-8th category.)

  4. Do we have to live in the United States?

    1. We really wish we could read all of your stories… but those legalities limit the contest to U.S. residents. Keep writing, though. :-)

  5. I have five billion ideas.

    1. GOOD.

  6. Can I enter all of them?

    1. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to read more than one story per person, so please pick your very very very favorite and submit that one!

  7. I have a ton of really amazing story ideas for creatures and worlds I’ve made up; can I send you one of those?

    1. This contest is particularly about the lands of Aerwiar and its fearsome and fuzzy creatures, so you’ll want to pick a creature from the Creaturepedia, or launch out with some new ideas inspired by a Wingfeather Tale, and go from there. You can even write about a place or creature in Aerwiar that has yet to be discovered… there are lots of options! (And keep making up worlds! That is awesome!)

  8. What if my story is over the 1000 word limit? Can you make an exception?

    1. We know that sticking to 1000 words is super difficult! But we’re going to have a lot of stories to read, so we really do need your help getting through them all. If your story is only a little bit over, see what you can do (maybe with a friend or editor) to tighten it up a little. Too many adjectives? Cut a few! One scene you really like, but that doesn’t advance the plot? Maybe consider taking it out (but keep it in a safe place for your own sake, or maybe start a new story with it later). If it is way over 1000 words, editing might still do the trick, if you are prepared to be ruthless. (Andrew’s big brother Pete says “writing is revising,” so this is a good writerly task that will make you an even better writer, and your story an even better story!) Another trick might be to find a good cliffhanger or stopping point about 1000 words in, and then call that chapter 1, or end with “To Be Continued…” ;-) Or, you can start all over with a different story idea, keep to the 1000 word limit, and send us that instead. Either way, we are so thrilled you are enjoying this challenge!

  9. What about the title or title page? Does that have to be part of the 1000 words?

    1. Nope. You can make that title as long as you want. ;-) (Within reason!)

  10. Does my story have to be prose? Can it be a poem?

    1. Well, Jonathan Rogers got away with it for his Wingfeather Tale…

  11. When is my story due again?

    1. September 1, at midnight Central time! You can do it!! We are all cheering for you, and can’t wait to read what you’ve been writing. :-)

Click the banner below for more contest rules, and check in with us via social media if you have a question I didn’t cover here! And happy writing!