THAGS activity #1: Choices

[Today’s post is a guest post by our friend Mallif of Bylome, who’s been busy working on a series of fun activities for you all. This is the beginning, but there’s lots more planned! Be sure you’re following @wingfeathersaga on Instagram and/or Facebook to participate!—Madame Sidler]

Word. Form. Song: Activity #1

Choices: An Exploration of Earnestly Enigmatic Evaluations

If you were asked to join the Wingfeather Saga animated series illustration team, and given the task of drawing a Fang is a series of actions, where would you begin?

There are many choices that Andrew made when dreaming up the words to describe the overall form of a Fang... what choices would you make when taking those words and creating your own Fang in illustrated form?

We know from Aedan that when creating the first visual illustrated accounting from Ollister Pembrick's notes on Creatures from Skree that he used the wild & wonderful animalia that he sees around him, or knows about through other means like books, poems and other tales.

How do you know a Fang is a Fang when you see one?

Can you recall the elements of a Green Fang from On The Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness that make them what they are?

What does a Fang's:

  • Eyes look like?

  • Mouth?

  • Nose?

  • Feet?

  • Hands?

  • Teeth?

  • Tail?

We've created a handy 3D form for you to begin with, but just use this as a starting point—feel free to make your Fang a Thang of your own creation!

You have unlimited choice! You make your Fang look the way you think they should look. Perhaps you'll find inspiration in a choice of armor or weapon! Perhaps your Fang will not be quite as scary to the children and people of Skree. How will you choose to show that, in visual form?

Download the FREE Fang Form file here and be sure to join us LIVE, this Thursday, October 21 on Facebook and YouTube for an update from Andrew Peterson, Chris Wall and the Wingfeather Saga animated series team!

Click the image to download the full template!

Click the image to download the full template!