I've come across several encouraging reviews from the Christian Science Fiction/Fantasy bloggers and thought I'd post a few links here. This first is a quick interview with Chawna Schroeder.Rebecca LuElla Miller, an insightful reader and writer who in her review of On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness helped me grapple with the idea of Theme in my writing, has some interesting things to say about Tink's avoidance of responsibility.Phyllis Wheeler also gave it a thumbs-up and summarized the thoughts of a few other bloggers.And Robert Treskillard shares thoughts about the book, the characters, and the influences (some of which hadn't occurred to me).There are more, but that'll do for now. Thanks to all the bloggers who are putting so much time and thought into this. In the words of Grimple Wainthwat, "You're too kind. And I'm too whiskery."