The Warden and the Wolf King?

Hello, Dear Readers.I'm writing this from the Honda dealership, where our minivan is getting a much-needed oil change. The pressure's on, because we're about to drive down to Florida for Thanksgiving, the last real family time I'll have before I hit the road for the Behold the Lamb of God Christmas tour. We're doing 16 concerts in 18 days, traveling everywhere from Texas to North Carolina to Alabama to Ohio, and I hope some of you Wingfeather fans can come out to the shows. I'm always eager to meet readers, and one of my favorite things to see is a beat-up copy of one of my books in the hands of a kid (or grownup).Lots of people have been asking about The Warden and the Wolf King, so I figured I'd let you know the plan. During the Christmas tour I'm planning to write songs like crazy in order to be ready for the studio in January. I'll start recording a new album then, which will hopefully be finished in the early Spring (in between concerts with Steven Curtis Chapman). There's usually a short lull between finishing the record and releasing it, and that's when I plan to sit down and dig in to that most terrifying and daunting and thrilling of things: CHAPTER ONE.That's the good news. The bad news is, I can't write a whole book in a recording or touring lull. There will probably be promotional stuff and more touring in the summer and fall, which will make it really hard to do any serious writing. But as soon as the fall tour is over and my brain is sufficiently un-fried, I'm hoping to set aside a few months just for writing. If some strange alignment of energy and inspiration and time occurs before next fall, I may be able to finish the book in time for a Christmas release. But knowing what I know about my limits, I doubt that will happen. Which means (sorry!) The Warden and the Wolf King will probably be published in spring of 2013.I just slumped my shoulders while I typed that last sentence. In fact, even now I'm rethinking the whole thing, and will probably spend some time today with a calendar, trying to find a way to finish the story sooner. I don't want you guys to be all grown up by the time I finish!To sum up: I'm recording a new CD after Christmas, to be released in the summer or fall. I'm going to do my best to finish the book in time for next Christmas, but I'm preparing myself for a 2013 book release (again, that sounds forever away, and I wince at the thought). In the meantime, please continue to spread the word about the books! It's been so exciting to see the story continuing to make its way into the world, and that's all because of you. THANK YOU.Final notes: I still haven't found time to draw the two pictures for the contest winners. Don't worry! I'll do it as soon as I can. Also, the audiobook for North! Or Be Eaten and the Kindle version of The Monster in the Hollows are both still in production. We're close, but as busy as Christmas/Thanksgiving can be, it might be a short wait. So many projects, so little time.Thank you again. May your Thanksgiving be free of thwaps, gribbits, and all manner of toothiness.AP