Toothy Cow sighting!

Last week a reader named GEM wrote in to say that her younger brother had made a realliality-real life size toothy cow for a class at their homeschool co-op. It is calf-sized and named Awful Alvin! WOE!

Please note that this calf is ON WHEELS. Just imagine going about your business, weeding the garden or playing Get the Boot, when suddenly this little cowling comes speeding toward you on its four evil casters! Is nowhere safe from its gashious maw or bovinial thrump?!

I hope GEM's brother received 117% on that assignment. (Also, let the record show that I would take that class.)

Walking on Water: In Adorning the Dark, Andrew says, "If you’ve never read Madeline L’Engle’s Walking on Water, put down this book and don’t come back to it until you have." Are you up for that challenge? Join us in the forum, starting next week.