UPDATE: The Warden and the Wolf King

(Thanks to Heather Rodrigue for the image. Good advice.)Oy, Dear Readers!I would apologize for the long silence, if that long silence didn't mean I had been working on the new book. I've written up to chapter 23, which is when everybody finds out that Gnag is actually not a bad man, just a bad wizard, and someone named Dorothy and her lion friend tell the Jewels that there's a space/time portal under Anniera and they zap themselves to the 1950's and save Marty McFly's parents from never meeting right before destroying the One Ring.Over the years I have learned that there will always be at least one person out there who will read this and think, "Really?" For that person's sake: the previous paragraph was a joke. Except for the part about having actually written up to chapter 23. And I'm so excited about that part. I've got some pretty cool news regarding the illustrations for the book, which I'll announce soon and very soon, and we've even got a tentative release date, which we'll announce soon and very, very soon.If you don't follow me on Twitter or Facebook (my Facebook artist page, that is), now's the time. As I write chapters I often include the last sentence or a word count, just to prove to you guys that I'm not sitting around. It's easier for me to do a quick update there than to write a whole blog entry, especially when my fingers are sore from typing. Now that my latest tour is almost over, I'm shifting into high gear on the book, which is intimidating and exciting all at once. I can't wait to tell you this story.Now, I need your help. We're going to put together a fun promotional video for the Wingfeather Saga which will feature a collage of videos from kids and grownups alike, telling us what you like about the books, who your favorite character is, maybe acting out a scene, giving us your best Fang snarl or your best Podo "Arr!" Upload it to YouTube or Vimeo, then email the link to [email protected] with the subject line WINGFEATHER VIDEO. Keep it simple, be as creative as you like, and try and get it pretty close up on your face.Thanks, folks!AP