Wingfeather in the CT news — The Wingfeather Saga

Wingfeather in the CT news

We here at Team Wingfeather are still recovering from the immense and emotional experience that was the animated series investment phase. It is wonderful to know you all are behind us and excited with us! The first season is FUNDED, and there is so much work and joy ahead. We’re glad to be doing this work alongside supporters like you all.

There was a great writeup of the campaign in Christianity Today following the last day of funding. This article covers a lot of territory—the books’ initial run; the republishing; the short film; the long and winding road to find a studio willing to grant us full creative freedom; the success of Angel Studios, with whom we’ve partnered; and of course the record-breaking funding that finally set us up to make the first season.

“‘It’s terrifying every time in a way it wouldn’t have been if a big company had underwritten the whole thing. But it ’s more gratifying to experience it in real time with encouragers,’ [Andrew] Peterson told CT days before the series met its goal. ‘To take a deep breath and launch a big campaign and see these are the same people coming alongside you is a beautiful thing.’”

Read the whole article here.
