Ban Rona Book Club: Wingfeather Tales

Hello dear readers,During my visit to Ban Rona last month, I wandered through the Great Library. Much has changed since my last visit, but there is still a signpost that reads Stories with Bittersweet Endings and True Stories (If You Dare), and just beyond that signpost is a cozy little meeting room where we spent many wonderful hours two years ago, reading through the Wingfeather Saga together.Well, I think it is about time that we give that room a dusting and start reading together again.Next week we'll begin reading through Wingfeather Tales.wingfeather-tales-cover-lightHow does this work? Each Monday I'll post what story (or partial story) I'll be reading during the week. If the story is short, we'll read all of it; if it's longer and there's a good cliffhanger in the middle, we'll split it up. The readings will be anywhere from 12 to 45 pages long. You're welcome to read along with me, or go at your own pace. Then, every Friday, I'll post my favorite snippet from the week's reading, and invite you to post your own in the comments. You can expect to find some lively discussion in the forum, too!Don't have a copy of Wingfeather Tales yet? You can buy it in paperback at the Rabbit Room, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble, or through your favorite bookstore.Grab a friend, a sibling, or a dog, and join us next Monday for the first reading!::vanishes::