Wingfeather Tales! Let's start reading!

Now is the time and this is the book!We're reading together! Here, here, take a look!

I am not the best poet in Aerwiar (that would be Bornholdt the Wider, in my opinion), but sometimes sheer excitement drives me to rhyming ecstasies. In the words of Oskar N. Reteep, "Reading books is neatest of all," and I would add "especially with people you enjoy."Today is the first day of our new Ban Rona Book Club adventure! We're reading Wingfeather Tales, the first ever collection of short stories from the world of Aerwiar. The first story we'll read was written by Andrew Himself, but I'm certain you will find all six of them to be sufficiently full of wonder and woe, hilarity and heartbreak.If you don't already have your own copy, grab one from the Rabbit Room or Amazon.

This week, Madame Sidler will be reading the first half of "The Prince of Yorsha Doon" by Andrew Peterson, found on pages 1-24 in Wingfeather Tales, as well as Andrew's foreword (pages xiii-xvii). Come back on Friday for an excerpt, and to share your favorite snippet from the week's reading!Want to discuss the story further? Join us in the forum. :-)