BRBC week 14: Skewered like a daggerfish

The Florid Sword scenes are so fun to read out loud in a swashbuckly voice! But this scene, right before he appears, cracked me up this week.

“Sneem!” called Glag, now on the tower platform.Only a few steps from the cobbler’s door, Sneem stopped and turned. “Eh?”“Forgot to tell you. Word has it he’s back.”“The Florid Sword?” Sneem asked.“Or whatever he calls himself. He was spotted on the west side of town already tonight, so be wary.”“Bah! Let him come. I’ll skewer him like a daggerfish.”After a moment Glag said, “Do you mean, you’re the daggerfish doing the skewering, or do you mean you’ll skewer him like he’s a daggerfish that you’re trying to stab in the river?”Sneem cocked his snaky head sideways to sort out the question. “Either way, the Florid Sword gets skewered, don’t he?”“I sssuppose,” said Glag, “but it might be harder to stab him if he was swimming about in the water like a daggerfish. Them are fast. But if you was the daggerfish, you’d just leap out of the river and jab him, right?”Sneem thought about this for a moment, then said, “I’ll get ‘im. Like a fish.”
Discussion: Have you ever tried to do the right thing, only to have it fail?Would you be a better ruler or Strander?What was your favorite passage from chapters 29-34? Post it below!