Two New Pictures of Note

Hello, Dear Readers.It's 1:44 a.m. and I'm here, declaring my unrivaled appreciation for your support by posting the following pictures WAY past my bedtime. The first is from a creative young man named Peter Fitzsimmons. He sent me this horrifying amalgam of Aerwiarian beasts in February, declaring the creature a "Fangnubbon"--a name which made me laugh aloud. I immediately flagged the email with the intention of posting it here shortly thereafter. But by April I still hadn't done it. Peter sent me a gentle reminder, with the picture (horrifying!) attached once again. I flagged the email again and sent Peter a note promising to post the picture soon, and very soon. Well, here it's July and I still haven't done it! So tonight Peter sent me another nudge, this one a little firmer (both the email and the subject said simply "WHY ISN'T MY PICTURE UP ON THE SITE?") so I decided I'd better follow through or he just might sic the dreaded Fangnubbon upon me. Here you go:Great work, Peter. I hope you'll forgive my slowth in getting the picture up on the site. I actually have quite a collection of fun and frightening pictures to post, but I haven't had the time. My new album releases in just a few weeks and the prep work for that has occupied most of my brain space. What I need, frankly, is someone like Peter to persist.The other picture was posted on Facebook recently, of someone named Laura Janssen reading On the Edge at Yellowstone National Park, which happens to be one of my favorite places in the world. That she would think to bring the book along when she might have been mauled by a grizzly or gored by a buffalo at any moment was a moving gesture. Thanks, Laura. I'm glad you made it out alive.If any of you would like to send pictures of yourself reading either of the Wingfeather books in strange, interesting, or completely boring places, I'll post them here for the enjoyment of your fellow readers. If you remind me three times.