What in the World is a Hutchmoot?

Well, if you'll put on your nerd hats, boys and girls, you'll remember the Entmoot in The Two Towers. "Moot" is an olde English word for "meeting". And as you probably know, rabbits live in either hutches or warrens. You may have noticed my affection for rabbity things: Watership Down is one of my all-time favorite books, our little homestead in Nashville is called the Warren (and we have a sign to prove it), and the website for our writing community is called the Rabbit Room.It was high-time we brought the Rabbit Room out of the cyber world and into reality, so my brother Pete and I put our heads together and came up with Hutchmoot 2010. (We didn't come up with the name--Sarah Clarkson's dad did.) We'll be talking about great stories, the Gospel, music, writing, fellowship, kinship, art, and all the while drinking good coffee and eating good food.I'll be reading a bit from the Wingfeather Saga on Sunday, along with Jonathan Rogers (of the Wilderking Trilogy fame) and my brother A.S. Peterson (author of The Fiddler's Gun). If that sounds fun to you, be sure and keep your rabbit ears open for the announcement for next year's Hutchmoot.This year filled up in just three weeks and we've had a long waiting list.Last order of business: I just got home from my radio promotional tour for Counting Stars, and tomorrow morning my duties at Hutchmoot begin. But after this weekend is over, the calendar is gloriously open. And that means I get to check in on Janner, Tink, and Leeli. I made a few false starts earlier this year. I drew a few pictures, did some research, and mapped out a lot of the story--but I never really started writing. Well, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'm going to make some headway next week.That's the news from the Warren. If you're the praying type, please pray for our Hutchmoot event this weekend. Pray that it'll be a sweet, rich time for everyone involved, and that we'll all catch a bit of the wonder of the Great Story.